Drug abuse or substance abuse is a disorder characterized by excessive use of the habit-forming drugs and misuse of over-the-counter medicine, the illegal use of drugs which in turn leads to severe addiction and dependence with so many negative conclusions. Teenager is basically a guy or girl of the age group between 13 and 19 years. It is considered as a connecting link between childhood and legal adulthood. This is the phase of life when vital transitions take place in a human life, in the forms of physical, psychological as well as cultural growth. A teenager’s life is the time when various conflicts and queries take possession over his/her mind, sometimes leading to major destructive consequences.
Teenage substance abuse has become a major concern in today’s scenario. In this modern era of globalization and technological advancement, the use of illicit substances has become a part of landscape of many teenage lives. In the 21″ century, teenagers have a wrong notion of substance abuse as a modern fashion statement. Substance abuse by a teenager is very risky as even a little consumption of substances like alcohol, marijuana and inhalants can have a very negative impact on their social life and family relationships. In a slow but continuous process, the intake of these substances increases gradually, becoming an important part of their everyday life. It may gradually culminate into heavier dosages of more powerful substances such as cocaine, amphetamines or heroin leading to a greater physical and psychological crisis.
In countries like the USA, Russia, Iran etc., teenage substance abuse has been proliferating at an alarming rate. India is also not far behind in the count. With drug abuse in Kashmir becoming a rampant phenomenon, a recent study done by the Government Medical College’s Psychiatry department has revealed that Kashmir has surpassed Punjab in drug abuse cases and is currently at the number two position among the top drug abuser states in the country. With Northeast in India topping the drug abuse list, Kashmir is not far behind. A survey recently conducted by the Department of Mental Health and Neurosciences in collaboration with the Health Services Department revealed that over 33 thousand syringes are used to inject heroin by drug abusers in the Valley on a daily basis. Heroin is among the most common drugs used by these abusers. The study shows 90 percent of drug abusers are using heroin while the rest are using cocaine, brown sugar, and marijuana. We can see these days that a large number of school-going children are getting severely affected by drug abuse. Another survey carried by the National Drug Dependence Treatment Centre of AIIMS on the magnitude of substance abuse in India placed J&K on 5th spot and claimed that over 6 lakh people in the Union Territory were affected by drug abuse.
There is no single cause for substance abuse in teenagers. It develops over a time-period not as full-blown addiction from the very beginning. There are various routes or pathways which leads a teenage to the darkest roads of substance abuse. Some important factors include:
- Curiosity, extensive peer pressure and emotional instability, especially among school children and young adults.
- Psychological distress and impulsiveness.
- Lack of proper communication between parents and children.
- Insufficient parental guidance and supervision.
The issue of substance abuse among teenagers cannot be taken lightly as it may have adverse effects over a certain period of time. It may disturb a child in a number of unwanted ways. After being a victim of drug abuse, there is an overall change in the behavior of a teenager resulting into poor performances at schools and various day to day activities. Alcohol and cigarettes can damage their internal organs to an extreme level leading to cancerous diseases and untimely deaths. Fatigue, nausea and severe depression are the signs of unwanted substance abuse and if not taken care of properly, it may lead to dangerous suicidal attempts. A teenager indulging in smoking and harmful drug abuse starts avoiding frequent public appearances and prefers being isolated. Changes in mood, eating and sleeping patterns and memory loss are other ill effects of illicit substance abuse by teens.
During teenage, parents have an important role to play in their sons’ and daughters messed-up lives. Adolescence brings a new and dramatic stage to family life. A teenager alone is not responsible for dealing with the changes but the parents also have to guide them all the time for a proper upbringing. A parent should not be afraid of talking about the ill effects of consumption of these kinds of substances with their teenage sons and daughters. There should be friendly environment between a parent and a teenager so that the teenager feels free to ask questions regarding any teenager topic that bothers him or her. A teenager should also try to live up to the expectations of his/her parents. A teenager needs to understand that the rules and norms set up by their parents are for their wellbeing, instead of ritually discarding them cherishing a rebellious existence.
For any nation, the youth is considered to be the base of its future progress. It’s the duty of every citizen to be aware and also make others aware of the ill effects of teenage substance abuse. Only a united effort can help in eliminating this evil practice so that the teenagers could lead their life ahead in a constructive manner away from the darkness of alcohol and drug abuse.
(Author is a Radiodiagnosis Student at Government Medical College, Anantnag. Email:[email protected])