Covid-19 is not over yet. India is showing a steep rise in coronovirus cases and J&K is not an exception. For the last few days valley is witnessing surge in daily covid-19 positive cases. According to the official figures, Jammu and Kashmir reported 19 new corona virus cases in last 24 hours. Although the situation is under control but still people need to behave responsibly to avert any eventuality. In that regard the Health Administration has already conducted a review of covid preparedness in J&K and has directed all the concerned officials and heads of the institutions to remain prepared in case of any medical emergency arising out of it. In order to curb the spread of coronovirus it is the duty of the people also to show a responsible behavior towards the pandemic. The toll that this pandemic has taken all over the world in terms of fatalities should have been an eye-opener to all. Health experts are of the opinion that vaccines do offer some relief, but preventive measures continue to be the best means to end the pandemic. For that to happen, cooperation from the general public is the need of the hour. We have seen in the past how administration and the concerned authorities faced tough times as people violated directions and health protocols. People at large should understand the importance of practicing social distancing, maintaining hand hygiene in the fight against the pandemic. This pandemic can be only fought with unity and not by being divided in opinions and adopting reckless behavior. Maintaining social distancing and use of masks can help decrease the rate of covid transmission. For fact, the government issued health advisories from time to time and has been spreading the needed information for the general public. If people still refrain from applying them, it is a recipe for a much greater disaster. The best health authorities can do as of now is to spread awareness. Also, the efforts of doctors, supporting staff and other agencies always remain laudable. These front runners toil every day to keep us all safe. It has been proven beyond any doubt that adopting covid appropriate behavior is the safest way to stop the spread. The behavior of people towards the pandemic and dealing with it needs to change. We as the responsible persons of this society need to show our concern and responsibility by following the covid-19 guidelines and mandatory precautions. By doing that, we can save ourselves and others from this deadly virus.