Love is just not a bond of intimacy between two individuals but, according to scholars, it is the very philosophy of life. On the individual level, it is the march of an individual towards perfection. As such, it is a journey from being to becoming. According to Maulana Rumi cosmic love is the force behind all the natural phenomena. Love, thus, can’t be taken out of the routine activities of life. Love helps an individual to unfold the mystery of life.
Love boosts the morale of an individual to do and undo different things. It strengthens one’s stamina for taking challenges which shape the future not only of the individual but also of the society at large. It motivates one to sacrifice one’s time, resources and capabilities for the benefit of others. By doing so, an individual is basically carrying forward one’s self actualization. Through this process of self actualization one brings out one’s hidden potential for the benefit of one and all.
This process, however, is totally a selfless process. Here, one does not perform an action the demand of any particular individual or group of individuals. Rather, it is an intuitive command which emerges within the individual and operates from inside to outside. It hardly cares for the results or outcomes of any task done. This selflessness makes love a moral behaviour. Love, as such, becomes the norm of morality. Situation Ethics, however, asks, “If the end doesn’t justify the means, what does?” (Fletcher)
Love, however, is such a behaviour which acts as both the “means” as well as the “end!” Thus, love for love’s sake is a nice course to follow. This is because love enhances the very “personhood” of the human person. It helps one to grow and develop by focusing on the end (goal or beloved).The history of humankind is witness to this fact. Throughout history, we see individuals and communities thriving by setting a goal and focusing on its achievement.
World’s sublime literature has reflected this fact vis-à-vis love. We know how the love of Beatrice became a beacon light for Dante in his masterpiece “Divine Comedy.” This love not only purified him but also guided him to loftier spiritual stations. Without Beatrice and her love, he would have been ever lost in the dark wood of sin. It was this love which revolutionized fourteenth century Italian poetry by exploring themes of love and virtue. Persian and Urdu literature also has coalesced love and longing with life to make it worth living. It is very interesting to note how Allama Iqbal presents a vivid picture of Farhad’s course of love journey. By combining Farhad’s love journey with the journey of life, Iqbal puts forth a motivation for a life to be lived fully. Iqbal says:
Zindagani ki haqiqat kohkun kay dil say pooch
ju’ishir-o tasha-o sangay giran hay zindagi
That is, ask Farhad what is the reality of life?
(He will teach,) life is “stream of milk”, “chisel” and “heavy block of stone!”
Kashmiri literature too possesses a commendable poetry which combines love journey with the journey of life. Dr. Aziz Hajini, one of the celebrated contemporary Kashmiri poets, has beautifully presented love, longing and life in one of his famous lyrics/poems. The poem goes thus:
wuchh lol-ikis safras andar kiyah kiyah ma sarun piyom
dil wari buzunnari jigar tawi talun piyom
That is, see what odds did I face in the journey of love?
I had to roast my heart and fry my liver (by the flames of love)!
We know, every human being attaches to or detaches from different things that could be concrete or abstract. Obviously, one has to pay the price of one’s liking or disliking as per one’s seriousness. One cannot stand by one’s set principles unless s/he pays the required price. Path of love, thus, needs perseverance and endurance. One could thus be subjected not only to criticism but s/he could be victimized by mudslinging and character assassination. This all has to be gone through with an open heart for the sake of love.
Ma rosh jigar goshi mae ma rosh, mae ma rosh
maeha chain bapath narisae dras taritarun piyom
That is, don’t get angry with me, my dear!
I had to cross the “ocean of fire” for you.
We know, one’s beloved has great expectations with the lover. Seemingly, sometimes these expectations or some of them, remain unfulfilled. The beloved, at this juncture, tries to part ways with the lover. The lover, obviously, is disturbed or frightened by this state of affairs. That is why s/he tries to explain her/his position. The lover, with hints and clues, tries to persuade the beloved. The lover, in a way, is forced to explain her/his position by mentioning some of her/his sacrifices name in the journey of love.
Poshus ni kansi bas bi poshus notiwan panas
Gahj ami karimch akh gahay sur malunpiyom
That is, I failed to persuade anyone except my own self.
Sometimes I tore my cloak, sometimes I rubbed myself with ashes!
More often than not, it happens that a lover is overpowered by different situations of life. S/he stuck in by hopelessness where nobody tries to understand her/him. Under these circumstances s/he, as a mark of protest before herself/himself, tears the garments and punishes herself/himself in a unique way to exhibit her/his helplessness. This behaviour of the lover suggests that s/he takes the course of self mortification during challenging circumstances.
kahitam kariyom kriyuth safar ziyuth safar tai
nazdik watith dur sathah dur txalun piyom
That is, with hard toil I had traversed this long and hard drive (of love)!
When I reached my destination, I had to abandon the very destination which I had struggled for.
It happens at times that a person works very hard to achieve a particular goal. Now, upon reaching the cherished goal, s/he wants to take a sigh of relief. However, circumstances arise, as if from nowhere, which compel the person to shun the success achieved. This is because by being adamant to celebrate her/his success s/he may hurt and harm the social norms and traditions. For a sensitive person taking care of the norms and traditions is very important because it takes a history to make a little tradition while as it takes just moments to break the very norms.
mudus, dohay mudus, dohas manz sasilati mudus
zalim zaman asmanzmaey ithay paeth zuwun piyom
That is, I had to die daily thousands of times!
(Because) it was the only way to live in the cruel world.
The conventions of the society don’t let a person to live independently and freely. Although it is very important to abide by the set principles of the society, however, surrendering one’s individual opinions and sacrificing them altogether at the altar of social conventions decimates the very individuality of a person. Nevertheless, one has to find a golden mean to socialize and live amicably in a society.
Lusus ti thokus la‘al potus niyom khabar kaem
Wahy kryuth kodur balnamo saettachun piyom
That is, I got tired, my bravado came to an end and the gem was taken by someone else!
Oh! I had to scratch the huge mountain with my nails.
Sometimes one burns midnight’s oil for a certain purpose. However, when one is ready to get the fruit of one’s labour, the fruit (gem) is gained by someone else just by chance. As a result, only hard toil remains there with the lover as a memory and souvenir. This situation indeed upsets the lover, but the moments during which s/he had nurtured the beloved remain with her/him as a “sweet” asset.
Bi ha chus Azizay Hajini bay yar-o madadgar
Prath sa‘ti panun pai patah pardi yanmae pritxun piyom
That is, I’m Aziz Hajini without succour and supporter!
Always I had to ask my address to the unknown ones!
Let us understand that it is a tale of all the inquisitive people. They remain mentally aloof and alone amidst the society they are a part of. They actually pay the price of being sensitive. People usually don’t understand them. That is why they always try to relocate themselves. These are actually philosophical questions by dint of which they want to know who they are, what purpose they are supposed to fulfil, wherefrom they have come, where they are supposed to go, etc.?
As such, anybody can attach herself/himself with this love poem of Dr. Aziz Hajini as it combines life experiences with the journey of love and longing. As everybody, at one phase of life or another, experiences love and longing, this poem gives voice to one’s heartfelt emotions. More importantly, the poem becomes a means of catharsis for the one who is agonized!
(The author is Assistant Professor, HED, J&K. Feedback: [email protected])