Writing is the part of a very old, civilizational system. Poetry flourished in the city of Ur, Babylon and so many ancient pre-historic times. The invention of writing has brought an effective means and source to communicate ideas, speech, history and an art form. Poets and writers of England hold a special place in the annals of literature. One such legend is Robert Burns, the romantic makeover of the man and his amorous conquest, his poetry and his lifestyle contains a hint to the world that Rabbie Burns dominated.
The late 18th century romantic era is much immersed in the beauty of the artist’s imagination. Robert Burns’s popularity in English verse is equal to that of Lord Byron and the colloquial usage is too traditional. Burns is the absolute genesis of the romantic era in English. “My love is like a red, red rose”, is a clear and striking resemblance that Burns draws with his love as a rose flower that’s sprung in June. He idealized romance in poetry and the verses like “To a Mouse” do tell the irony that is been metamorphic ally induced in the element.
The world of Poet Burns is inescapable from his conquests and love he simply being in touch with many women. The symbol and artistic emotions of human love depicted in many of his poems do bring the readers close attention to the creator’s real inspiration. In one such poem “To Mary in Heaven”, Burns idealizes the young woman Mary Campbell, his fellow compatriot and female love, in a more overture and his longing to. Robert Burns could be more than a Byron himself and the Shakespeare. Even as the romantic era along with its best man is dead but the memory is still a matter of time and hour.
(Author is Poet/ Writer from Kerala. Feedback: [email protected])