Veterinary is an umbrella term strengthened by multiple spokes. Veterinarian is not only a professional dressed in a green gown with a surgical blade or in a white apron with a hanging stethoscope. While walking down the lane of veterinary profession, we witness a clinician, a production farm expert, a surgeon, an abattoir specialist, a gynecologist, information disseminator or an extensionist, master in a lab, nutritionist in a feed mill, public health expert, innovator of value additions, a researcher in an institute or an implementer of research innovations at grass root level, wild life buff and an artist of environmental health. With its extensive subjects and variety of patients, veterinary is broad spectrum. From dealing with mighty wildlife to a delicate miniature parasite, this profession is more like a roller coaster ride.
The World Veterinary Day is celebrated on the last Saturday of April every year and the theme this year is ‘Promoting diversity, equity and inclusiveness in the Veterinary Profession’. Every individual has been framed in a particular fashion with variations from others in every aspect. Even the siblings, who are from same descendants and live under same roof, are different. The variation among individuals is what makes up the world as it is. When we join a profession, we become the part of a flourishing family. It’s our duty to take care of this family and the members who constitute it. Rainbows are fascinating as they carry gracefullythe colors of different intensities and wave lengths. The aim of this year’s theme is to empower and embrace the differences with respect. Everyone in the profession must feel recognized, safe and valued irrespective of age, class, gender, race, caste, physical or mental ability, religion, education levels, personality traits or other differences.
Diversity is the catalyst of success, different minds different ideas. The veterinary profession not only has a diverse patient cover but its subject matter also presents a spectrum. Before anyone else appreciates them, veterinarians themselves should respect the diversity of their profession. The expertise of animal science and veterinary science are like faces of a prism that are equally important to reflect light. Earlier the veterinarian was mostly associated with domestic animal health care and production but now there is a paradigm shift towards pet industry increasing the diversity of the profession. Since decades picture of veterinary profession has been changing and upgrading every day. Previously a particular gender could be witnessed wearing the caps of veterinarians but now the tables have turned. With all their feminine energy, females have already started to conquer every milestone of the profession. Owing to their novelty and meager acknowledgement, they require proving themselves at every step and need to hustle comparatively more. Thinking out of the box, making room for minorities and creating friendly work environment is what will flourish the profession.
Animal health and human health are two faces of a same coin. This old yet eternal bond shares companionship, economy and diseases. Human health directly or indirectly is affected by the activities of animal sciences owing to the fact that more than half of the human diseases are of animal origin. Though the phrase ‘One Health’ is only few years old but its origin can be traced back from the write-ups of Aristotle and Hippocrates. Comparative medicine forms the basis of modern concept of one health. Veterinarians form the core of one health triad (Human health, animal health and environmental health). Veterinarian with his proactive and reactive responses plays two fold roles in one health. They show reactive response towards an outbreak of an emerging zoonotic disease by joining hands with other health professionals to combat the problem (e.g. develop a vaccine) or indirectly generate data about the point of issue through survey and surveillance. The proactive approach involves day to day activities like vaccination against zoonotic diseases.
Erstwhile animals used to be in sheds but now they are on our pillows. The increasing trend of owning companion animals has increased human-animal interactions and hence the implementation of one health.Veterinarian plays an important role in pathogen discovery by identifying the wild reservoir species. Veterinary professionals working in labs, abattoirs and other hotspots of public health concern keep a check on hazards. The dose and regimen to cover a disease has increased making antimicrobial resistance one of the growing concern of one health. Lab animals form bottom line of research, innovation and medical trials and hence the veterinarians.
In growing countries like India, the backbone of economy is agriculture, of agriculture is livestock and of livestock is a veterinarian. Veterinarian indirectly is the spine of GDP. They educate farmers and train entrepreneurs. They play a dynamic role in food safety and security and are involved in every step of food chain. They keep a check on foodborne hazards in farm to plate policy. In a family driven by livestock when a cow is unhealthy the whole family is. From innovative researches to value addition and marketing overseas, veterinarians hit every horizon. While taking the oath, a veterinarian promises animal health and welfare. Betterment of animals is not only the responsibility of a veterinarian but of general public as well. Habitat destruction is the leading reason for man-animal conflict. Nature loves diversity and we should promote it. In different Chapters of Holy Quran different fauna species have been mentioned and name of the longest Chapter is “Al-Baqara-The Cow”. There is no other satisfaction than to treat a patient who Allah (SWT) swears by in Chapter Al-Adiyat (Quran: 100).
(Author is Veterinary Assistant Surgeon, Department of Animal Husbandry Kashmir. Email: [email protected])