It is a fact that drug abuse that has gripped the youth in the UT is a serious concern. Though few reports are published from time to time, the menace demands greater attention from all quarters. People of the UT need to introspect and find remedial measures for the disease that has done much harm to the society. The larger role has to be played by the government as with few improved policy measures and legislations drug and substance abuse can be controlled.
While many programmes that highlight the adverse affects of drug abuse and addiction are held in the UT throughout the year by governmental and non-governmental organizations, it does not appear to assuage the problem. Many experts are of the opinion that the graph of drug abuse in J&K has been rising at an alarming rate over the years. As more and more addicts are identified, de-addiction or detoxification does not go with those numbers. There are few such centers in the UT that are trying to control the damage.
Moreover, due to drug addiction many people are caught in the web of crime and deviant behaviors. As has been found, it is not the after effects that prompt addicts and abusers to depart from acceptable behaviour and get involved in any criminal activity, but the urge to acquire these substances in the first place.
There is a general perception that peer pressure is largely responsible for drug abuse among the young, adolescents. People do acknowledge it, but there need to be in-depth and extensive studies to find out all underlying reasons. Proper education about hazards of drug abuse need to be inducted in the courses/education programs. It is also responsibility of parents to guide and help their children especially during such stages of growth when they are vulnerable.
A broader approach and new strategies that are localized can do better than following age old models and concepts. Defeating drug addiction is a collective responsibility and serious efforts are needed to nip this evil in the bud.
(Author is a social activist and teacher by profession)