Udhampur, Oct 02: While paying glowing tributes to Mahatma Gandhi and former Prime Minister LalBahadurShastri at Khajuria Palace, JaganooRanbir Singh Pathania, Former MLA & BJP spokesperson said that Gandhi ji’s teachings are most relevant in today’s era where conflict, hatred and technology explosion has posed new threats to the mankind.
Across the globe, we have seen governments including the USA initiating dialogue even with militants, insurgent groups leading to positive results in the future.
This is high time that we emulate and appreciate the lofty ideals and philosophy set up by the great leader who has been called as the father of the nation. It is in the same vein that LalBahadurShastriji, as a politician and as a public man, has left an indelible print in the political horizon of India.
He was a living model of simplicity, honesty and performance with ‘Antyodaya’ as its bedrock. He also set standards for probity in public life.
The programme was organized and addressed by Mandal President Rakesh Sharma, SarpanchSehdev Singh, Rama Murti, Susheel Raina, Chain Singh, Atul Sharma District Social Media and Publicity Incharge, Gopal Mahajan, Joginder Sharma, PankajKhajuria and others.
Teachings of Mahatma Gandhi most relevant in present times: Pathania

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