A seven-day training programme on scientific been keeping which was commenced on 4th of January 2024 under NBHM, concluded today here at Kissan Kendra, Jammu.
Director Agriculture Jammu, Ram Savak graced the occasion as the Chief Guest.
The training was conducted for awareness & skill development of 40 prospective beekeepers of Jammu division as per instructions of Shailendra Kumar, Principal Secretary to the Govt, Agriculture Production & Farmers Welfare Department.
During the 7 Day training programme on scientific beekeeping, the scientists from SKUAST – Jammu & departmental Experts delivered lectures on all aspects of scientific beekeeping including seasonal management, pests & diseases management, value addition & marketing strategies. The participants also visited Apiculture Demonstration cum Training Centre Chimney Chak, Jammu where practical hands-on training about operation of bee hives & management of bee colonies was imparted. The participants were also taken to AICRP for Honeybees & Pollinators at SKUAST- J, where they were imparted knowledge about Value addition of honey & its potential for making beekeeping a viable & profitable enterprise.