Renzushah addressed Historical ” Kashmir Nasha Mukt ” conference in International lawns of Guptkari to launch campaign against all kinds of addiction in Kashmir .
Appreciated Rebel Shadanand of west Bengal , Mahjabeen Aali kadli ,Majid Masroor ,Javid Mir,Kalim.Bashir ,Mashkoor, Nizampuri, Mushtaq Shams Faqeer , Dr Tawseef wani Hazrat Mantaqi, Dr Tawseef Green Kashmir top registered NGO’s of Kashmir for supporting Addiction free kashmir campaign raised from New lawns of Guptkar
GUPKAR Sonwar Srinagar 11 July while delivering key note address at prestigious Gupkar new Lawns first of its kind prestigious Ngo conference khwaja Farooq Renzushah emphasised to restore the purity of Nasha Mukt Kashmir as was ensured on advise of Hazrat Bulbushah by Hazrat Sader ud din Renchanshah in 1321 AD.He said this Nasha Mukt Kashmir purity was further ensured by Hazrat Shah Hamdan after fifty years post Hazrat Bulbushah & Hazrat Sader Din Renchanshah era .
Renzushah said Kashmir remained Nasha Mukt even during British era when Maharaja’s were administering Kashmir. He said 1977 was black year in moral history of Kashmir when by misusing 370 local Assembly passed Wine permission bill allowing freedom of consuming Wine , Alcohol & it’s related addictive material under licences .Mostly radical ideologues were given wine licences for their hotels , restaurants .Even Bars were opened in santoor SKiCC as well as Royal spring Golf course subsequently.The charas traders of Kashmir spread this menace of narcotics grown in southern Kashmir in other parts of India.LOC was opened in name of Muzafarabad 75 kms away only for importing Heroin through Loc trucks with complicency of divisive politicians He said now this menace has achieved such alarming position that out of five Kashmiri one is addicted under conspiracy to destroy kashmir civilization. Thousands of wine licences were destrubuted by previous regimes to their workers & business tycoons
Renzushah said that time has come to declare kashmir Nasha Mukt place so that the human morals of our great Awaliya’s and saints are revived back in this paradise.
Renzushah said that it is Supremacy of Nature which has made Kashmir herogenious society but unfortunately for vote bank politics it has been deliberately suppressed by Previous regimes so that herogenious character of Kashmir remains hidden from world and Kashmir is projected as violent tribal place of war lords like Afghanistan.
Renzushah said Kashmir has never accepted radicalism introduced by Zia ul Haq in Eighties which culminated in 90 turmoil and Hindu Muslim conflicts unknown to people of Kashmir for 7 centuries.He said those clergy played dirty role who radicalised innocent youth with imaginary Gazwat ul Hind venom .Now same clergy is looting Nazrana by taking huge Ujrat /salaries which is not proper Sharie Fiqa way of its spending .He said that in his capacity as DC he named Srinagar Airport as Sheikh ul Aalam Airport and in his capacity as Commissioner SMC built Sheikh ul Aalam Darwaza to present SMC head quarter as abode of Purity of Sheikhs who believe in cleaning not only materialistic grbages but garbage of hate embedded in souls .However Only ten months after my transfer one radical ideologue Commissioner utilising same clan as his identity obsessed with venom & hate removed both sign boards of Airport as well as SMC headquarters.This establish power of such venomous forces who encouraged on one side radical powers & on other side narcotics and wine culture. Under extraordinary patronage of local politicians .
Renzushah said that if new generation is to be saved not only Nasha Mukt Kashmir campaign is to be brought to logical end but all such radical dar ul Alooms responsible for commercialising religion by preaching violence need not to be further encouraged to end their communal traits and Gazwat ul Hind venom. Billions of Communal assets need to be merged in local Waqaf so that it’s Billions of collections is utilised for publishing moral books of Tasawuf ,Sufi Mashrb Hanafi Maslak and unity of all basic five maslaks .
Renzushah said In Kashmir 72 lakh books have been burnt even including library of Hazrat bal dargah and Rajouri kadal precious library therefore entire Nazrana funds should necessary be utilised for re publishing these books & not single penny be allowed to be converted in any Ujrat,salary or diesel for luxury which is Haraam .
Renzushah said that Maha Deove mountain on one side ,Bhudist 4k years old summit on Zabarwan in Harwan on other side and in between Aastan Bal ,Aastan marag mountains depict that Kashmir is symbol of religious unity .Even Takhat e Sulaiman & Shankaracharya exist at same place & Makhdoom Hamza Raina & Sharka Devi temple existing together ,Hazrat Bulbushah shrine and 1500 year old temple on shores of jehlum still exist side by side ,Abode of Last Reshi Queen Kota Rani whose abode in Aali kadal was guarded by Reshi peer against terror of Awrangzaib lie near owasi sahib shrine ,Syed Hamid pora & owaisi sahib whose heads were severed by radicals to crush Tasawuf are such living evidences which speak of Kashmir as land of knowledge only .
Kashmir is presently passing through critical phase and still hidden forces are encouraging radical ideologies by Supressing our joint composit culture.Renzushah appreciated Rebel Shadanand of west Bengal , Mahjabeen Aali kadli head of Shahar khass spiritual & cultural foundation ,Majid Masroor , Mushtaq sahib Younis sahib of Shah shams Faqeer cultural welfare society ,Javid Mir,Kalim.Bashir ,Mashkoor, Nizampuri, Mushtaq Sha Muzafar Reshi ,Mushtaq keni , Dr Tawseef wani Hazrat Mantaqi, Dr Tawseef Green Kashmir and hundreds of top registered NGO’s of Kashmir society for supporting Addiction free kashmir camp۔ ۔ نشہ مکت کشمیر۔ ن raised from New lawns of Guptkar .On this occassion Rebel Shadanand and Mahjabeen presented full brief to jam packed press .