Srinagar, Mar 22: The Health and Medical Education Department has informed Jammu and Kashmir that the possibility of opening an Accident Hospital at Manwal in Udhampur District shall be explored under IPHS Norms 2022.
The information was provided in the Legislative Assembly in response to a starred question raised by MLA Ranbir Singh Pathania on steps being taken on establishment of a Trauma hospital.
In response to an unstarred question on steps taken for the establishment of a Trauma Hospital at Tikri and an Accident Hospital at Manwal in Udhampur District the reply said there is no proposal for the establishment of a Trauma Hospital at Tikri.
As per the guidelines of the Government of India, a Trauma Hospital should be established within 60 kilometers of a distance on the National Highway.
“The distance between Trauma Hospital Udhampur (GMC), Udhampur, and Government Medical College, Jammu, is less than 60 kilometers,” the department stated.
However, the possibility of opening an Accident Hospital at Manwal in the Udhampur District shall be explored in consultation with the MLA Udhampur and other stakeholders after adhering to the provision envisaged under IPHS Norms 2022.
In reply to a question on steps to improve healthcare in remote blocks over 100 km from HQ, the house as informed that NTPHC Dudu and PHC Basantgarh are located more than 100 km from District Headquarters, but PHC Moungri, PHC Panchari, and PHC Latti are located less than 100 km.
“Moreover, the facility of Lab testing, X-ray, and Ambulances are being stationed at these institutes to meet any eventuality and for shifting of patients to the next higher healthcare facility.”
In response to another question on vacancies of Medical Officers the house was informed that the department is actively working to fill vacancies in District Udhampur to ensure the continued delivery of healthcare services in the district.
“It is noteworthy that out of the 365 recently appointed Medical Officers, 17 Medical Officers were posted in various health institutions of District Udhampur,” the reply said.
In addition to this, the department is also in the process of operating the waitlist for 91 selected Medical Officers. These selectees will be posted in under-served areas across Jammu and Kashmir, further strengthening healthcare delivery where it is most needed.
Moreover, 292 vacancies in the non-gazetted/paramedical category from the Directorate of Family Welfare, Maternity and Child Health (MCH), and Immunization, J&K, and 290 vacancies in the non-gazetted/paramedical category from the Directorate of Health Services, Jammu have been referred to the Jammu and Kashmir Services Selection Board (J&K SSB) for recruitment. This will significantly enhance and strengthen the healthcare system in under-served areas.