Srinagar, Mar 25: The Health and Medical Education Department has informed the Jammu and Kashmir that PHC Thanamandi was upgraded to CHC in 1999 without the creation of posts and it functions with the existing sanctioned staff strength of a PHC.
The information was provided in the Legislative Assembly in response to a starred question raised by MLA Muzaffar Iqbal Khan, on the issue.
“PHC Thanamandi was upgraded to the level of CHC vide Government Order No. 30-HME of 1999 dated 02.02.1999 without the creation of posts. Therefore, it is functioning with the existing sanctioned staff strength of a PHC,” the house was informed.
The reply said at present, against 03 sanctioned posts of doctors, 02 are posted. Similarly, against 21 sanctioned paramedical staff posts, 16 are posted at CHC Thanamandi. The issue regarding the creation of posts shall be taken up with the Finance Department.
As of now, the department is working on strengthening 4000 existing health institutions at various levels as per IPH Norms-2022 and extending medical and healthcare support to common masses seeking medical attention by rationalization and developing a robust e-sanjeevani/tele-medicine through a well-designed hub and spoke model.
The sanctioned strength of doctors in Block Darhal and Manjakote includes CHC Darhal (15 sanctioned, 8 in-position, 7 vacant), PHC Lah (3 sanctioned, 2 in-position, 1 vacant), PHC Thanamandi (3 sanctioned, 2 in-position, 1 vacant), PHC Shahdhara Sharief (3 sanctioned, 1 in-position, 2 vacant), PHC Manjakote (3 sanctioned, 1 in-position, 2 vacant), PHC Ghambir Mughlan (2 sanctioned, 2 in-position, 0 vacant), PHC Kallar Chatyar (3 sanctioned, 2 in-position, 1 vacant), and PHC Bagla Ndyala (3 sanctioned, 1 in-position, 2 vacant), while under NHM, PHC Thanamandi has 4 vacant positions, PHC Ghambir Mughlan and PHC Manjakote have no doctors, and CHC Darhal has 2 doctors with 1 in-position and 1 vacant.