Five students for North Kashmir’s Bandipora district have invented a device which can help in avoidanceof fire incidents caused due to the LPG leakage.
Studying at Government Middle School Brar, Abrar, Subaib, Uzair, Atif and Ifham under the guidance of their science teacher Javid Hassan have devised Liquid Petroleum Gas(LPG) Detector by which the horrible accidental fire incidents can be stopped.
Abrar Sofi, 8th class student who along with other four students on this innovation told Rising Kashmir that after completing the basic coding course, they under the supervision of their teacher worked hard since last one month on this project and have finally completed it with the successful trial.
“Most LPG fire incident cases are witnessed after leakage of LPG in a room. When we light or fire a lighter, due to rapid combustion the gas catches on fire so quickly. After analysing it, we invented this device,” Abrar said, adding“We connected Arduino board, Breadboard, a Buzzer, M26 sensing device, USB together with a laptop to work it on electricity. After that we fired LPG lighter on it and it started buzzing.”
Atif Ahmadtold Rising Kashmir that they don’t have such gadgets to learn coding because their school lies in a hilly area thus forcing them to use their teacher’s smartphone and other necessary gadgets to learn basic coding.
“It benefited us a lot because now we can make new innovations very easily. We worked hard on it and every day we used to work hours on it. Now our hardwork has paid off”, he said.
“It took us three months to learn coding and only a month to complete this project. From now onwards fresh fire incidents are not going to happen.”, Uzair Ahmad said.
Experienced in coding, teacher Javid Hassan thinks to give something new and practical to his students. “So after observing the learning level of students, I chose a group of five students and started coding classes for them,” he said.
“After completing the basic coding course, when i observed the students have shown a good interest in it and they have learned it better i thought why not i prepare them for an innovative project,” he said, adding that he had purchased all the basic gadgets online on his own budget and started teaching them basic connectivity of how to control and blow LED’s, how to use sensors.
After getting positive response from the students, Javid provided them with an idea on which all the five students worked, from which he says the whole nation will be benefited.
Kashmiri students invent ‘LPG detector’ to avoid fire incidents caused by LPG leakages

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