Srinagar, Nov 23: After assuming the administrative charge of District Srinagar, Justice Tashi Rabstan on Wednesday visited District Court Complex Mominabad Srinagar. On the occasion, he was welcomed with guard of honour from a squad of Jammu and Kashmir Police.
Justice Tashi Rabstan was received by Jawad Ahmad Pr. District & Sessions Judge Srinagar with his team of judges.
At the outset, he had an extensive meeting with the judicial officers posted at Srinagar in the Conference Hall. Pr. District & Sessions Judge, Srinagar Jawad Ahmad apprised him about the working of the courts with relevant statistics and also highlighted the various issues faced by the judicial officers.
Justice Tashi Rabstan addressed the judges and took stock of the functioning of the courts including the project of the second phase construction in the district court complex Srinagar.
After giving a patient hearing to each judge individually, he assured them of resolving their issues within a short span of time by talking to the stakeholders.
He sensitized the judges about their role in the society and urged them to give their best to the society and at the same time uphold the dignity and honour of the institution.
He emphasized upon the speedy disposal of cases and targeting the old cases so that they are disposed of speedily.
Moreover, he asserted that judicial officers ought to be punctual so that no litigant suffers. Subsequently, Justice Tashi Rabstan inspected the Family Court, POSCO Court and the Vulnerable Witness deposition room to have a firsthand experience of the working of such courts. A plant sapling was also planted by Justice Tashi in the Court complex.