Term heritage has witnessed multitude of interpretations but basic spirit remains the same. It has been a progressive journey as challenges faced by the heritage structures all over the world have been of different types making it incumbent upon the professionals to take into account the locale and the socio-economic conditions of the stakeholders. Challenges faced by the heritage have been from different sources. Be it natural, manmade or even of instantaneous nature depending upon the structural designs as well. International bodies having global reach have been in the forefront of heritage issues concerning its scientific conservation and preservation but the evolution of the whole heritage discourse and paradigm has a well chalked out trajectory. Though bodies like UNESCO, ICOMOS and ICCROM have added to the resource pool in terms of professional human resource in the present times, which can’t be denied. The need is to look beyond the established norms as how we reached the present stage when we have a global base to face the challenges of any kind to our heritage through these esteemed bodies of universal heritage restoration. It goes to the credit of these organizations that they have arrived at far reaching a global consensus to make the stakeholders feel across the nations that heritage in any part of the world even in the remotest corner of an ill fated ,infrastructure less village is a shared heritage. As it represents the stages of evolution and development of the humans. It is a living testimony of the genius of the human mind. Heritage and its preservation may seem to be a concept that has got prominence after the World War II as the organizations involved in sensitizing the people emerged in the public domain during this time. But the reality is that people and rulers all over the globe were engaged in preserving their legacy having cultural significance in their own limited way. Evidences suggest that as early as 6th Century A.D. Roman Empire was conscious of this challenge and urged its administration to be sensitive towards the architectural marvels in their domain. There are various instances in Italy and its history where it is clear that it was becoming conscious to its heritage and cultural symbols. In 1666 A.D. Sweden also passed an ordinance known as Antiquities Ordinance. Even France passed instructions during the French Revolution to be sensitive towards the objects of antiquity. It can be realized then that humans have been conscious of their national and cultural assets that qualify as heritage and have universal significance since the times when technology and modern means of administration were not even thought of. Similar concerns are reflected from the various edicts of the Papal state in 1802 A.D.,1815 A.D. French Quatremere,1819 A.D. French Ministry Instructions,1877 A.D. Manifesto of England for protection of ancient Buildings. In 1904 world witnessed the emergence of scientific indulgence in heritage issues as it was in this year that during the 6th International Congress of Architects in Madrid was organized on 4-9 April. It adopted a resolution that reflected the reality that heritage was not an isolated issue but an area that needs systematic dealing with the issues concerning the monuments that are the primary symbols of heritage anywhere in the world. It divided the heritage monuments into living and dead monuments. Dead monuments being the ones that serve the obsolete purposes and the living monuments being those that are serving the purpose for which they were originally erected. It had the essence of the present day objective and work culture of the organizations like ICOMOS and ICCROM that are in the forefront of conservation and preservation of the monuments. It laid stress on the preservation of the dead monuments as their being turned into ruins will lead to the disappearance of the historical and technical value of the monument; for which it was constructed. Chalking out the strategy for the living monuments it says that these structures ought to be restored so that these may be continued to be used .As in architecture, utility is one of the paramount realities of beauty. In the same spirit, International Museums Office in 1926 gave the statues that delved upon the safeguard of the works of art, archaeological and historic buildings making it amply clear that the heritage and the issues related to it have evolved with time and made it a subject of international concern as human values and innovation are required at two levels, one at the level when a monument is created and two, when the challenges to its life emerge from natural and manmade challenges.