Fallak Naz
Class IX, DPS Srinagar
Family is the most essential part of one’s life. It doesn’t matter what kind of family you have i.e. big or small, it means a lot if you have one. A family serves an important part in our personal lives. Family is the first home of an individual and is a place, a feeling, and an emotion in all. It is from where you learn your basic developments, your tradition and so on. For better and for worse, family relationships play a central role in shaping an individual’s well-being across the life course.
Socialization in a family is important because it builds a stronger bond, teaches each member about their values, norms, and beliefs, and helps them realize the support and guidance they have throughout their lifetime. Butnowadays technology, whichhas become a basic part of our lives has reduced family interaction, socialization, and face-to-face interactions.
Parents themselves are so immersed in their technological lives that they have forgotten to give time to their children. On the other hand, children and teenagers also prefer to spend their time on their devices, in front of the television and other electronics.
Nevertheless, technology is also changing family habits and disturbing family time. Spending more time with artificial intelligence has drastically created gaps in family relations. Children feel the lack of love and support they need in their lives. Lack of communication has created blurred lines in parent and child relationships.
Negligence in family interactions can be seen most of the time now; like while having lunch or dinner. Talking to each other, about how your day went, and passing on smiles, builds a stronger bond among families. We choose to eat our meals in front of the Television or any other device. Now, Families barely talk to each other and share their problems. If one believes that telecommunication gives freedom or fills up the absence of a loved one, they will suffer later on in life.
The ramifications of the distancing that occurs due to the mix of technology with family socialization are profound. The love which one gets from family is something that keeps you going and facing hard times, the affection that one gets from members of a family is something which one will get from anywhere else. Maybe, people are busy with their work but they should try and give time and love to the members of their family. Finding out solutions to problems together makes it easier to handle them. That’swhere a family helps out.
Make time for your loved ones, and create memories with them. Make them feel loved and you will feel less stressed. Every day we see this happen in our own families but no one takes a step forward and changes it. Most families don’t even care about the well-being of their members, if this keeps happening families will drift apart and will never get the love they need for their lifetime. It’s all about making time and paying attention!