Jammu, March 12: Former Minister and senior NPP leader Harsh Dev Singh on Sunday said the Jammu and Kashmir government has earned the most dubious notoriety in employment scandals during the last few years with reports of Job scams hitting the headlines every other day.
Addressing a press conference in Jammu, Singh said while the government failed to fill up the posts in various government deptts in a fair and transparent manner, the culture of fake, backdoor and other paid appointments grew by leaps and bounds.
Pointing towards the much publicized scam in the selection of PSIs, FAAs and JEs in the UT, Singh said that it was the public outrage and fear of adverse consequences that had forced the government to rescind the said list wherein crores had been swindled by a corrupt mafia.
He endorsed the demand of agitating youth to disengage the APTECH co. hired for making recruitments in the UT. “The irregular selections of Firemen and drivers made in Fire services Deptt through dubious means was also highlighted umpteen times in the media but the helmsmen have chosen to push the matter under the carpet for reasons best known,” said Harsh Dev Singh.
Alleging the commission of biggest recruitment scandal in BJP-PDP rule, Singh said that more than 4000 SPOs were engaged in 2017-18 through backdoor without following any procedure and the officers who made such appointments were rewarded with prized postings by the then BJP-PDP govt.
He said that several hundreds of backdoor appointments were made in Industries Deptt and its allied corporations during 2015-18 with none to take cognizance despite public outcries.
NPP leader said that the erstwhile coalition rule witnessed scams wherein hundreds of backdoor appointments in H&ME deptt were made by Chairmen of Rogi Kalyan Samities out of Hospital Development Fund in brazen circumvention of prescribed norms and regularities.
Pointing towards his short stint of three years as Education Minister, Harsh Dev Singh said that he had made selections of 35000 youth as RET with not a single finger having been raised on the floor of the Assembly or outside.
He said that even the National media had reported at the time that a history has been created wherein the transparent functioning of a Minister received all round appreciation across the board from ruling as well all opposition members without any exception.
Employment scams have completely unraveled Govt’s reputation: Harsh Dev

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