Deputy Chief Minister, Surinder Choudhary, today said an effective mechanism has been put in place for prompt redressal of issues being faced by the public.
“Necessary instructions have been issued to the concerned officers to ensure that the public grievances are redressed on priority and developmental initiatives are speeded up”, maintained the Minister.
The Deputy Chief Minister was interacting with scores of deputations who called on him today to project their issues and concerns related to their respective areas besides service related issues.
A deputation of National Youth Corps raised the issue of regularisation of their services besides highlighting other service related issues.
Another deputation of Kashmiri PM package aspirants demanded de reservation of vacant reserve category posts.
Similarly, a deputation of National Health Mission employees of Doda district demanded honorarium enhancement besides better service conditions.
A deputation of Sainik Colony residents demanded improvement in the vicinity areas besides macadamisation of link roads.
Meanwhile, Legislators, former Sarpanchs and individuals from different areas also called on the Deputy Chief Minister and projected development and other issues of their respective constituencies and areas.
The Deputy Chief Minister assured the deputations that the issues projected by them would be redressed on priority basis.