Srinagar, Sep 19: Continuing with its endeavour to provide financial support to the families of the Police personnel/ SPOs who have passed away while in service, the Director General of Police Dilbag Singh has sanctioned over rupees 1.90 crore as Special Welfare Relief vide different orders of PHQ.
The Special Welfare Relief of rupees 22 lakh each has been sanctioned in favour of dependents/legal heirs of the deceased police personnel HC Ravinder Kumar, W/HC Neelam Devi, HC Karamat Ulla, SgCt. Salam-ud-din Bajad, SgCt. Mohd Yaseen, constable Ishfaq Ahmad and Followers Farooq Ahmad & Altaf Ahmad who expired while in service.
Rupees one lakh has been already paid to the NoK of Police personnel for performing the last rites of the deceased as immediate relief by the PHQ through their concerned units. The financial assistance has been given out of the Contributory Police Welfare Fund.
The DGP, has also sanctioned special relief of rupees 6 lakh each in favour of dependents/legal heirs of deceased SPO Naresh Kumar, SPO Rajinder Kumar, SPO Javid Ahmad and SPO Kewal Singh who passed away during their engagement with the department. The financial assistance has been given out of the Contributory Welfare Fund of SPOs.
Besides, the DGP has also sanctioned Rupees one lakh as financial assistance in favour of NOK of martyred Constable to defray the expenses in connection with the marriage ceremony of his daughter.
As a welfare measure Police Headquarters has taken many initiatives to ensure help and assistance for the welfare of its personnel and their families.