Budgam, May 21: The residents of various villages in Khag Tehsil of Budgam district, Central Kashmir, are urging the government to make the fire station in the area fully operational. The construction of the fire station began in 2018, and the building is now complete, awaiting necessary water and electricity connections.
Ali Muhammad Tantry, a local resident, expressed his concerns, stating that the fire station in Khag Tehsil has been built, but it requires water and electricity supplies to commence operations. Khag Tehsil, which encompasses more than 49 villages, requires immediate access to fire services to ensure the safety of the properties belonging to the common people, especially those from poor families.
Ghulam Mohammad Bhat, another resident, highlighted the history of devastating fire incidents in the Khag Tehsil over the past 15 years, resulting in significant property losses for the affected families. Currently, fire service vehicles from the nearby Magam and Beerwah fire stations are dispatched in case of emergencies. However, the distance between these stations and Khag Tehsil causes delays, often leading to further damage to properties.
Considering the hilly terrain of the region, the fire service vehicles face challenges in reaching the affected areas promptly. To mitigate these issues and safeguard the 49 villages in Khag Tehsil, the residents are calling upon the government to establish a fully functional fire station in the area.
An official from the fire and emergency services department confirmed that the construction of the fire station in Khag Tehsil is complete. The final stages involve providing water and electricity connections, after which personnel and equipment will be deployed to the station. The official assured the residents that the fire station will soon become operational, bringing relief and enhanced fire protection to the region.