Latest Features News
Not every Country Celebrates New Year on January 1
“Each age has deemed the new-born year The fittest time for festal…
A peek into Kashmir’s Esports arena
With every passing day, online gaming is getting popular and more gamers…
Kashmiri MMA fighter, Syed Rufaid vies for world championship
At the age of 29 when most of the players retire from…
Gatoes: Kashmir’s fastest growing food delivery startup
When Jibran Gulzar completed his degree in computer science from Chandigarh University,…
Digitizing Pahari literature: Mir Ubaid starts his ‘dream project’
With an aim to promote and preserve the Pahari language, a 35…
Moonlight – serving quality walnut fudge in Kashmir since 1896
For the past 126 years, a bakery outlet in Srinagar has been…
It is said that life is not a competition between men and…
Understanding Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a mental illness that causesrecurrentunwantedthoughts and feelings (obsessions)…