New Delhi, Nov 26: Romesh Khajuria, Chairman, Wool and Woollens Export Promotion Council (WWEPC), Ministry of Textile, Government of India met Australian High Commission, New Delhi and discussed various issues of wool exporters, India-Australia Economic Cooperation and Trade Agreement (Ind-Aus ECTA) and also discussed steps to enhance jointness between India and Australia for development of wool farms in Jammu and Kashmir.
Khajuria, who hails from Jammu and Kashmir, said that finest wool is available in J&K and as per requirement of the international market some steps are required to enhance the product quality; here both India and Australia can work together. He has sought Australian cooperation for developing International Standard Wool farms in the UT.
Khajuria, who attended interactive session organised by Australian High Commission New Delhi “Crown in Australia Made in India”, said that trade relations between both the countries under the landmark India-Australia Economic Cooperation and Trade Agreement (Ind-Aus ECTA), will help each other with hand holding in exchange or technology and techniques.
He said after processing and making product, the final product would export to these countries, which will also be duty free and people there get it at competitive price.
While interacting with the stakeholders Romesh Khajuria said Australia is major wool producer for India and with landmark Ind-Aus ECTA both the countries will be benefitted by helping each other.
‘Australia can help develop int’l standard wool farms in J&K’

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