The Jammu and Kashmir Government on Tuesday said that the proposal to construct the road from Kapran Anantnag to Dessa Doda has been sent to the Union Ministry of Road Transport and Highways but it hasn’t been sanctioned yet.
Replying to the question of MLA, G A Mir, Minister for the Road and Buildings Department said that inter-district and inter-area road connectivity is a priority of the department.”These projects are taken up subject to availability of the required resources,” he said.
“Kapran-Desa road is envisaged to connect Kapran in Anantnag District and Dessa in Doda District.The matter regarding declaration of this road as National Highway and taking up its construction has been taken up several times with the Union Ministry of Road Transport and Highways. The sanction, however, is still awaited. Detailed survey and DPR preparation can be taken up after the union ministry gives its nod, ” the Minister said.
He said that Anantnag Dooru Verinag (ADV) road, which is about 24.64 Kms in length is an intermediate road with an average carriage way width of about 5.5m and average roadway width of 7.5m while the entire length of the road is a blacktopped surface.
“About 4.5 Kms of the said road has been resurfaced by way of macadamization during the current financial year. However, there is no proposal under consideration for the widening of this road,” he said.
“The Annual Action Plan for construction/ upgradation of roads to be taken up during the Financial Year 2025-26 has not been framed yet. However, inputs of the elected public representatives shall be duly considered,” the Minister said—(KNO)