SRINAGAR, JULY 28: The Administrative Council, chaired by Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha, has approved the solarization of all government buildings in Jammu & Kashmir. The project will involve the installation of Grid-Tied Rooftop solar power systems, with a capacity of 70 MW in Capex mode at a cost of Rs 400 crore, and 200 MW in RESCO mode. The Jammu & Kashmir Energy Development Agency (JKEDA) will implement the project.
Government buildings will be equipped with solar projects of varying capacities, leveraging rooftop spaces for energy generation. The systems will include bi-directional smart meters and Virtual Net Metering (VNM) benefits, allowing DISCOMs to adjust excess energy generated against other electrical connections within the same department. The project, expected to be completed by December 2025, will be maintained free of cost for five years by JAKEDA through empanelled vendors.
RESCO mode sites will involve Solar Power Developers executing 25-year Power Purchase Agreements with respective departments. The installation of 270 MW solar power plants is expected to reduce carbon emissions by 8.3 million tons over 25 years. The project will create over 10,800 jobs for highly skilled, skilled, and unskilled workers, with additional roles in manufacturing and supply of system equipment.
The AC meeting, chaired by the LG, also included Advisor to LG Rajeev Rai Bhatnagar, Chief Secretary Atal Dulloo, and Principal Secretary to LG Mandeep K Bhandari. The council decided to accelerate the deployment of Rooftop Solar Projects across all government-owned buildings in J&K.
Govt Polytechnics & ITIs in Leh & Kargil to continue affiliation with J&KBTE
SRINAGAR, JULY 28: The Administrative Council, chaired by Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha, approved the continued affiliation of government ITIs and Polytechnics in Leh and Kargil with the J&K Board of Technical Education (J&KBTE). This decision, made at the request of the Union Territory of Ladakh, aims to benefit students in Ladakh, which lacks its own Board of Technical Education.
The arrangement, initially approved in June 2023, has been extended until the end of the academic session 2025-26 or until Ladakh UT establishes its own board. This decision will ensure smooth admissions and timely examinations in Polytechnics and ITIs in Ladakh, in line with the J&K Board of Technical Education’s schedule.
The AC meeting also included Advisor to LG R.R Bhatnagar, Chief Secretary Atal Dulloo, and Principal Secretary to LG Mandeep K Bhandari.