Under a reach out programme and to put the expertise at disposal to farming community, the Central Integrated Pest Management Centre, Srinagar, Govt. of India, Department of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare in collaboration with State Agriculture Department, Sub-Div Kakapora, conducted two-day training programme on “Integrated Pest Management” (HRD) at Village Kakapora, Block Kakapora of Pulwama.
Programme was presided by Dr. Mithilesh Kumar Arya, Assistant Director (PP), Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Govt. of India.
In his keynote address, Dr Mithilesh presented the importance of effective management of pests in the farm field with use of scientific and technological interventions.
Tariq Rasool Rather, Associate Professor, Plant Pathology SKUAST who was invited as a guest expert in his presentation gave a detailed account in managing various pests taking in account the localised circumstances.
A large number of farmers took part in the programme wherein they were made aware regarding the concept of IPM and objective of organizing such a programme.