Jammu, Mar 04: Chief Secretary, Atal Dulloo, today listened to the issues and concerns of Ex-Servicemen highlighted by Lieutenant General, Navin Sachdeva, AVSM, SM, GOC 16 Corps based in Nagrota, in his office at Civil Secretariat, Jammu.
The core demands raised with the Chief Secretary included compilation and complete digitization of the database of all the Ex-Servicemen of J&K for proper management of the cadre besides preservation and easy maintenance of records for the posterity.
They also asked for allowing them to apply for government jobs under ‘Ex-Servicemen’ quota in the last year of their services as the recruitment process takes some months in its completion thereby giving them opportunity to join at the end of their service period. One more demand was utilization of their services as NCC Trainers as these Ex-Servicemen are more suitable to play the role and give better training to the cadets enrolled here.
The Chief Secretary, while responding to the issues and demands raised , outlined his commitment towards this section of the society who had spent their lives for preserving the honour and sovereignty of the nation. He assured them that the government will explore the options for giving them due opportunities of self employment under different government schemes and also resolve their issues faced in availing different government job opportunities.
In order to bring added efficiency in grievance resolution, the Chief Secretary advised them to utilize the ‘JK Samadhan’ portal for registration of their grievances. He maintained that this platform gives seamless access to the administration and ensures timely resolution of grievances with quality outcomes up to the optimum satisfaction of the aggrieved persons.
CS directed for taking a timely review of resolution of these issues besides assuring them that the administration is alive to the welfare concerns of these people.