Someone approached Chilia-Kalaan and said, “Why did you not rain and snow?” The Chilia-Kalaan groaned, and exclaimed, “Snow, ice, rain and cold are the cornerstones of my kingdom. Snow flakes, rain drops, ice crystals, pointed icicles, sleet granules, blankets of fog, and misty mountains of clouds loaded with burgeoning aqua treasures, are my limbs and organs. I am accused of being monotonous and insipid, but this alleged humdrum irrigates the kaleidoscope of the spring to blossom with aroma and hues of jolly life. The harsh-looking attributes are actually my pearls and rubies, and the potion from heavens for the continuation of life on the planet. The rain and the snow ensure the blooming springs, the lush green summers and the mellow autumns ahead. But, now, I am empty and devoid of any moisture, because the viceroy of God is fiddling terribly with the working of Mother Nature. I am afraid of a disaster in store for mankind, because the caliph of God is having other ideas. I used to shower plethora of rain and snow upon the inhabitants of the land, but, now, things have changed drastically. ”
The aged Chilia-Kalaan paused for a while and resumed his monologue, “Forefathers of Ibni-Adam used to live in absolute harmony with the Mother Nature. But, now, the western disturbance and other local winds don’t visit this part of the land, because the oblivious and obnoxious adventures of man have frightened the moisture rich winds to accumulate here. The waters have refused to evaporate into clouds because the crown of all creations is no more kind and generous to them. Hefty amounts of polythene, sewerage, medical waste, caricatures and other household trash is thrown into the bellies of the water bodies, causing qualitative and quantitative degradation to them. Fetor and stink of these water bodies has chocked and gagged them. They are about to die. Wular, Dal, Mansbal and our alpine lakes are crying in wilderness. Vaeth – The jugular vein of the civilization is almost dead. Thick and black sewage of her own custodians, tripe and offal from butcher shops, contagious medical wastes from hospitals, heaps of deadly polythene, caricatures of dogs and other animals, and relentless mining has ailed the Vitasta.
Forests covers are receding rapidly. Consequently, carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases have gone beyond requisite levels in the atmosphere. January is blazing like May and June. High altitude snow that was supposed to suckle our streams and rivers during the upcoming spring and summer seasons is melting earlier. Glacial wealth is dwindling alarmingly. I am feeling scalded with the unprecedented heat of January. How should I rain and snow when my vital stakeholders in the enterprise are annoyed, and have unanimously decided not to precipitate. I am but only a driver of the wagon that is fuelled by waters and propelled by trees and plants. I am guilty of being hollow and shrivelled, but the real culprit behind the calamity is man. People often hurl invectives upon me, but I never deserve the curses and imprecations. Let me apprise you all that the so-called crown of creation is responsible for the catastrophic scenario on the land.
Excessive emissions from automobiles and factories have suffocated the creations of God. Human mischiefs and malicious exploits have hampered the working mechanism of the world. Large-scale consumption of fossil fuels is pumping tonnes of greenhouse and other poisonous gases into the belly of the atmosphere. Man has literally reduced space for his own progeny and other species on the planet earth. Now, the Mother Nature is avenging it on behalf of the mute species. The retributive rearguard from the mother earth has made me devoid and bereft of any snow, rain and ice. Ibni-Adam is my master and the oldest companion on the planet. Serving him with the best stuff contents appeases me. But, I have been crippled to extend further services to the viceroy of God on the planet. ”
The veteran custodian of cold and ice sighed heavily, and almost went blank for a few moments, as if it had ceased to breathe. Anger, dejection and pessimism were vividly brewing on his face. He was not willing to utter a single word anymore, but he mumbled to complete his monologue, “I am carrying a sense of guilt for not precipitating judiciously on the land of my master. His service is the basic motive behind my creation and existence. I am but only a servant of Ibni-Adam. I can’t imagine to rebel against him. But, he has invited the rage of Mother Nature for his entire progeny. I too want to shower plethora of heavenly mercy upon him. But, how! The Caliph of God on the planet has latched and locked my doors himself. His wicked and mean character is proving detrimental for his own survival on the planet. Angels had raised their fears and apprehensions at the creation of his ancestors. Yet, Allah (SWT) did not give any space to their doubts and suspicions. But, today, lo and behold! Those discernments of angels about the man are being corroborated by his misadventures. Has he not betrayed and deceived his Lord! Let you all contemplate and meditate before blaming me for the exhaustion of water and snow. By now, the culprit is known to all. “A flurry of tears was seen trickling down the face of the buzurg Chilia-Kalaan.
(Author is a Teacher and a Columnist. He can be reached at [email protected])