The government on Wednesday ordered transfer of seven police officers in the interest of administration with immediate effect.
According to a government order, P.D. Nitya, IPS, SSP Doda, has been transferred and posted as SSP Pulwama, vice Shri Javid Iqbal.
Gaurav Sikarwar, IPS, SP South Srinagar, has been transferred and posted as SP State Investigation Agency, Kashmir, vice Shri Mubbasher Hussain.
Javid Iqbal, SSP Pulwama, has been transferred and posted as SSP Doda,vice Ms. P.D. Nitya, IPS.
Mubbasher Hussain, SP State Investigation Agency, Kashmir, has been transferred and posted as SP East Srinagar, vice Shree Ram R, IPS, who has been relieved from the Union territory of Jammu and Kashmir to join his new place of posting viz Union territory of Ladakh.
Rajinder Singh, Deputy Commandant IR-21st Battalion, has been transferred and posted as Addl. SP (Highway) Qazigund, vice Shri Shabir Ahmad Khan.
Feroz Ahmad, Addl. SP Pulwama, has been transferred and posted as SP Operations, Baramulla. “One post of Superintendent of Police from the overall reserves shall be utilized for the purpose of drawl of salary of the officer,” the order reads.
Shabir Ahmad Khan, Addl. SP (Highway) Qazigund, has been transferred and posted as SP South Srinagar, vice Gaurav Sikarwar (IPS).