Jammu, Dec 23: “Hounding out Kashmiri Pandits from their homes and hearths in a most deplorable manner and under spine chilling circumstances in 1989 and early 1990 was one of the worst human rights violations across the world in recent history,” Senior BJP leader Devender Singh Rana said on Saturday.
He called for an in-depth probe to identify, expose prosecute and initiate criminal proceedings against those responsible for the “irreparable catastrophe” and circumstances leading to this exodus.
“Forcing natives out of their homes at gunpoint and the worst type of persecution is genocide and sooner this horrendous fact is acknowledged better it would for the so-called civilized society to firm up response against terrorism and ecosystem sustaining the scourge,” Rana told reporters at the sidelines of the function here after inaugurating a private enterprise in Jagti.
He added, “More atrocious is the plank taken by pseudo-seculars and the so-called mainstreams about the narrative that Governor Jagmohan had ‘conspired’ the exodus of the minuscule, peaceful, civilized and educated minority. This is like sprinkling salt on their wounds to suggest they had left the Valley voluntarily. This also amounts to giving cover to the enemies of humanity by their sympathizers, who controlled the system in Kashmir.”
The BJP leader said forcing the entire community to suffer physically and mentally is a violation no religion can endorse. “This grave violation underscores the importance of addressing and acknowledging the human rights of every individual, irrespective of their background. The right to live peacefully in one’s homeland, free from fear and discrimination, is a fundamental human right that should have been protected and upheld since,” he said.
Rana said it was very crucial to identify, expose and prosecute those responsible for the plight of Kashmiri Pandits. “Doing so will not only deliver justice to the victim community but send a strong message that such acts of persecution will not go unnoticed or unpunished. By exposing those responsible for such a grave crime against humanity will ensure that history does not repeat itself,” he said.