Agriculture in the union territory of Jammu and Kashmir is characterized by the predominance of marginal and small holdings.About 70% of population in this UT is directly or indirectly engaged in agricultural and allied occupations. The two regions of the UT viz Jammu and Kashmir have different agro-climates. Such is the agro-climatic variation between two regions that the Rabi season in one region becomes Kharif in other region. This is because of the harsh winters which dip the temperature to as low as minus twenty five degrees in winters that nothing can be grown in open in those months. The beautiful valley of Gurez located at a distance of 120 kilometers from Srinagar and about 80 kilometers from Bandipora is one such region representing huge climatic variation. Krishi Vigyan Kendra-Gurez working under the administrative control of SKUAST-Kashmir was sanctioned by ICAR as second KVK in the district Bandipora in the year 2021-22
Due to very harsh winters with heavy snowfall, agricultural activities in this region are confined within April to September. With only one cropping season, the major crops grown are Maize, Potato, Wheat, Rajmash and different vegetables. Livestock (Sheep followed by Cattles) is also an important component of farming. Some of the generic problems confronting agriculture in this region include the prevalence of old local varieties with a very less production per unit area, crude and unscientific methods of production, very low yield of livestock including Sheep and Goat, lack of adequate human resources to cater to the diverse needs of the farming community, lack of awareness, financial exclusion and many more related constraints.KVK-Gurez being set up as the second KVK in district Bandipora was supposed to take care of all such needs of this climatic vulnerable region. Since it has started working in this region from last year, it has been working 24*7 to improve the status of farming community and agricultural and allied sectors in this region.
Dr. Bilal Ahmad Bhat, Incharge Head of this Kendra states that, the Kendra has adopted a holistic and integrated approach focusing on revival of different crops and enterprises. It is promoting conservation agriculture, quality seed/seedling production, off season vegetable production, introducing high yielding and hybrid varieties, popularization and adoption of area specific SKUAST-K released varieties of pulses, processing and value addition, cultivation of medicinal plants and spice (Kala Zeera) of this region. According to Dr. Parveen Kumar SMS (Ag. Extension) of this Kendra,as a result of the quality seeds of crops like Maize and Wheat provided to the farming community under its FLDs programme, the production has witnessed a huge surge. The farming community particularly in Tulail valley of this region is reaping bumper wheat crop owing to the HYV seeds provided by KVK-Gurez. Due to this, the region has witnessed an increase in yield of 64% in case of wheat, 61% in case of Maize and 67% in case of Oats (fodder) over the local varieties grown in the region. Dr. Kumar further said that revival of Nutri-cereals (millets) has also been taken up by KVK-Gurez.
An important enterprise connected directly with livelihood security of the people in this region is the Apiculture i. e rearing of bees for honey and other by-products. Dr. Shahnawaz Ahmad Dar, Entomologist at KVK-Gurez explained that small size of land holdings in this region make it tough for the farming community to rely entirely on crops for livelihood security and as such they need to have some other enterprise. The climate of Gurez as well as the floral diversity of the medicinal plants available in this region makes it an ideal place for rearing of honeybees. However most of the honey bee rearing is done for honey only with indigenous bee colonies (Apis Cerana) and methods which are not much productive. As a part of its revival programme, KVK-Gurez has conducted baseline survey of different villages in Bakhtore block and identified various problems the bee keepers of the region are facing. The bee keepers have also been sensitized on scientific bee rearing practices. The coming days are definitely going to witness revival of apiculture as an income and employment generating enterprise.
Horticulture in Gurez is another area which has a huge scope for income and employment generation. According to Dr. Bilal Ahmad Pandit, Horticulture Specialist at the Kendra said that the climate here is excellent for fruit crops like Almond and Hazelnut. The Kendra has already been on the job providing expertise to the UT department of horticulture on various aspects related to raising quality root stock and management of orchards. Besides, KVK-Gurez will also procure quality rootstock from different institutes for the farming community to augment horticultural produce in this region. Livestock in this region mostly consists of Sheep and Goat. According to Dr. Nazir Ahmad Mir, SMS (Animal Science) in the livestock sector, the major thrust areas include health and disease management of animals, nutrient management and production of quality fodder.
KVK-Gurez is taking care of these needs by various interventions like diagnostic visits, training on methods of making mineral mixtures and UMMBs. Head KVK-Gurez also told that the introduction of rural backyard poultry will also add to the income of the farming community in this region. Besides its revival programme, KVK-Gurez is also working with the youths to help develop entrepreneurship skills in them through different skill based trainings. It is also actively working to reduce drudgery of farm women, establishing seed villages, and mobilizing farming communities through various collectives like SHGs, FIGs and FPOs, providing advisory and diagnostic services and development of marketing linkages. Further, its innovative extension approaches like ‘Ek Sham Kisan Ke Naam’ and various outreach compaigns are scripting a story of success, inclusion, sustainability and profitability.
(The Author is a scientist at SKUAST-K. Email: [email protected])