Your memory is a Souvenir, which I will never part,
Allah has you in His preserve,
And I have in my heart.
I miss the times when I woke up,
Feeling you by my side,
Telling me to come up the way the Sun blooms,
And breaks the darkness.
I miss the times when you were here,
Telling me to have no fear,
To hold my head up high and strong,
And add happy notes to my sad song.
I miss the way you look at me,
As if I were too blind to see,
The splendour deep in your eyes,
Posing you as a goddess
In elevating me to fly.
I miss the enchanting flow of your voice
Which fuelled me through the arid times,
Gliding in me what is right and wrong,
But ringing in my ears for far too long.
I miss the times when you were here, Granting in me the power of sagacity,
I miss the times and I miss you!
A caring person you were such,
Who helped and hurt me, O! So much.
Tall we claim, surrender and pause.
I too pause but some knock shakes my edifice,
asking me where, Oh! You are not here.
I miss the times and I miss you!
(Author is a Poet)