Minister for Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs, Satish Sharma, today said that the government intends to make all endeavours to eliminate bogus and ineligible ration cards as a continuous process.
The Minister was replying to a question raised by Mir Saifullah.
He informed the House that the General Administration Department has ordered a verification of beneficiaries to make the PDS database clean and credible. He added that the Government of lndia has advised the States/UTs to undertake proper verification and remove undeserving beneficiaries from the ration cards from time to time
The Minister said that the process of verification has been ordered to include and retain genuine beneficiaries under PDS and weed the undeserving beneficiaries so as to meet the requirements of Targeted Public Distribution System. He said that every AAY household receives 35 Kg of food grains every month while every PHH beneficiary receives 5Kg of food grains every month, free of cost, under the ambitious National Food Security Act (NFSA).
The Minister assured the House that the order issued by the GAD for verification of beneficiaries shall be put on hold.
G.A Mir, Sajjad Gani Lone, Mir Mohammad Fayaz, Syed Bashir Veeri and Mehraj Malik raised the supplementaries to the question.
Govt aims to boost farmer income, productivity & sustainability: Javed Dar
Minister for Agriculture, Javed Ahmad Dar, today said that the government is focused on revolutionizing agriculture in Jammu and Kashmir with emphasis on enhancing farmer’s income, productivity and sustainability.
The Minister was replying to a question raised by Ranbir Singh.
He informed the House regarding key initiatives being undertaken to transform the agriculture sector in J&K. These included introduction of advanced technology, crop diversification, soil health management, Integrated Pest Management (IPM), financial support and subsidies, Research and Development, Training and Capacity Building, Infrastructure Development, Market Linkages and Promotion of Agro-based Industries.
The Minister further said that various schemes have been initiated by the government to extend financial assistance to unemployed youth in the agriculture sector under Interest Subvention and Credit Linked Schemes including KCC, AIF, AHIDF, PMFME and NLM.
He added that several initiatives have been undertaken to promote agricultural growth and sustainability in the UT, as part of Holistic Agriculture Development Programme (HADP). These included Custom Hiring Centres, Hi-Tech Polygreen Houses, Controlled Cropping Mushroom Unit, Establishment of Pasteurized Compost Unit, Apiculture, KKG, Millet Restaurants, Establishment of Millet Mills, Establishment of Mini Soil Testing Labs, Establishment of Seed Processing Units, Dairy development projects, Self Sufficiency in Mutton Production, Poultry Development Project, Fish Seed and Trout Production besides Fodder production.
The Minister said that, similarly, many other schemes have been initiated under the Agriculture Sector Centrally Sponsored Schemes. These included Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY), Soil Health Card, Sub-Mission on Agriculture Mechanization (SMAM), Per Drop More Crop scheme, Rainfed Area Development (RAD), Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana (PKVY), Sub Mission on Agroforestry (SMAF), Sub-Mission on Agriculture Extension (SMAE), National Food Security Mission (NFSM), National Mission on Edible Oils (NMEO) besides Sub- Mission on Seeds and Planting Material (SMSP).
The Minister informed that 4.14 lakh hectare of total land has been brought under Culturable Command Area (CCA), of which, 1.91 lakh hectare has already been covered. Besides, 0.33 lakh hectare is being covered under new projects to facilitate the farmers to overcome irrigation challenges.
He said that 18 irrigation projects are currently being implemented with financial assistance from NABARD while 14 additional projects have been sanctioned under RIDF with an outlay of Rs 4883.54 lakh to cater 11678 Hectare of land in J&K. He added that 200 community bore wells are under construction under the Per Drop More Crop scheme.