Jammu, July 11: Divisional Commissioner Jammu, Ramesh Kumar on Tuesday chaired a meeting of Deputy Commissioners and officers of the Forest Department and BSNL to review the implementation of Schedule Tribes and other Traditional Forest Dwellers Act and pending cases of transfer of land for the 4G saturation – mobile towers.
The Div Com reviewed in detail the pending cases of land transfer for 4G tower installation in the districts, while Deputy Commissioners informed about the total number of locations/sites involved, the number of cases in which land has been allotted to BSNL and pending cases in their respective districts. It was informed that in most of the cases, district administrations have allotted land and the rest cases are under process.
The Div Com observed a mismatch of data shared and directed the BSNL Officers to compile the data in consultation with district administrations. The Deputy Commissioners were directed to hold a meeting with all the concerned officers and expedite the cases for early installation of towers.
The Div Com also asked CCF to clear pending cases of forest clearance.
While reviewing the disposal of the cases related to Schedule Tribes and other Traditional Forest Dwellers Act, the Div Com inquired about the status of settlement of claims received in the districts.
Pertinently, under the Act, members of the Scheduled Tribes dwelling in the forests along with other traditional residents have the right over forest land for habitation or self-cultivation or livelihood. It was informed that the Gram Panchayat Level, district level Forest Rights Committee(s) (FRC) have been constituted in all the districts for verification of cases and settlement of claims.
The Div Com instructed DCs to expedite the progress and ensure early settlement of all the pending cases in their respective districts. He also asked DCs to ensure the conduct of Gram Sabhas for settlement of claims under the Act.
The meeting was attended by the Chief Conservator of Forest, Officers of BSNL while Deputy Commissioners of Jammu division along with other concerned officers participated in the meeting through video conferencing.
Div Com reviews implementation ST, Forest Dwellers Act

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