Today, a strange question struck me and kept boggling my mind. Why do we postpone our happiness? What causes us to put things off? And why don’t we remain happy all the time, and what are the causes that keep us distant from happiness? They say that happiness is a state, and we need to create that state. But how do we achieve that state while remaining happy all the time and grumbling less? I guess the list or the box of complaints in our lives is like a bottomless sea; it never ends. Why doesn’t it end? –because destinies aren’t the same, some people are born with a silver spoon and have been bestowed with beautiful destinies, unlike the rest, who have to struggle for every penny and earn it with hard labor. This is what we have been told, and this is how our operating system works, or this is how we have been programmed. That means the operating system of our lives is completely wrong, and we need to update it with a new version because the old one is obsolete.
There will always be a beautiful excuse maker among those who are failures and losers in life. The excuses of that person are a never-ending tale, and in his or her defense mechanism, he or she will weave tales after tales of excuses. Always run from them; they are fatal for your passion and growth.
Now, I will go back to the question with which I started my write-up: “How can one remain happy always?” The answer to this question lies in: why do we worry? What makes us worry? And why are our worries like a shoreless sea?
Let me tell you, we welcome our worries through our thought process; our thoughts create the worries; those worries are not yet in the present.
The cause of the worry is that we never live in the present; we either live in the past or the future. Although we know that we cannot change the past and cannot predict the future. The cause of worry is procrastination of our present; our past and future don’t let us focus on the present; either we live in the past or muse about the future, when nothing can change our past happenings and no one can predict the future. However, we can easily shape our future by focusing on the present.
An elementary student wishes to be a middle school learner rather than focusing on his or her respective journey. A middle-class student aspires to be a high school student and wastes his valuable time and energy on things over which he has no control or reach. Similarly, most people in the universe follow the same strategy and welcome their worries through their own thinking and thought process; thus, they say they are worried and tense, when stiffness and stain are more their own creation than anyone else’s. You must understand that your surroundings can, at times, be friendly towards your target, but not most of the time; most of the time, they will act as an antithesis to it, which is a blessing in disguise and will make you internally stronger than weak.
Personal Experience
1) In 2021, I left for the playground to play cricket, but I had left playing cricket many years ago. I took the ball to bowl, but I couldn’t generate much energy since I was bowling after a long time. I bowled a few bowls and my body bushed, but I didn’t give up; however, I stopped and came again the next day and soared in speed day by day by adding overs after overs. I knew it would take time, as I am not used to it. I cannot claim that I became the champion of the game then, but yes, I can assure you that I was far ahead and far better than the first day, when my body refused to bowl the 4th bowl and I felt I belonged to the old race now.
2) The second incident was when I went to the gym for the first time. I could see people with a better physique and perfect body shape having good stamina to lift heavy weights; most of them were younger than me, but here too, it didn’t discourage me but encouraged me as I told my mind that they had given it time and energy, so that time and energy had raised them; so for me, I too need to give time and energy to reach their level.
I would like to end today’s write-up with the quote, “The Horse, the Boy, the Fox, and the Mole.” The boy says, I can’t see a way through, the horse says, Can you see your next step? The boy says, “Yes. The horses replies; then just take that.”
(The author is a regular columnist to RK. Email: [email protected]//)