In order to familiarize the farmers and young entrepreneurs with latest technological interventions to increase production to raise their socio-economic status, a day long Kissan Mela cum Awareness Programme was today organised by Krishi Vigyan Kendra(KVK), Srinagar here at SKUAST-Kashmir.
Deputy Commissioner Srinagar, Mohammad Aijaz Asad, who was the Chief Guest on the occasion inaugurated the Kissan Mela in presence of Vice Chancellor, SKUAST, Prof. Nazir Ahmad Ganai who was the special Guest on the occasion.
While ADG, HRD, ICAR New Delhi, Dr Seema Jiggi, Director Extension, SKUAST, Dil Mohammad Makhdoomi, Senior Scientist & Head KVK, Srinagar Dr Sajad Mohidin, Chief Agriculture Officers, Mohammad Younis Chowdary, Chief Animal Husbandry Officer, Dr Syed Abass, other senior scientists and Faculty members besides large number of progressive farmers and novice entrepreneurs were present in the Kissan Mela cum Awareness Programme.
After inaugurating the Kissan Mela, the Deputy Commissioner along with VC SKUAST inspected the Stalls established by line Departments showcasing different varieties under Horticulture, Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, KVK and other Departments, besides Agri-Entrepreneurs and progressive farmers of the District.
On the occasion, the DC interacts with the Officials of line Departments, Agri-Entrepreneurs and progressive farmers and lauded the efforts of KVK and other Departments in making them aware about the latest technological interventions, quality seeds, soil testing methods which helps them to create successful clusters of vegetables/ floriculture crops and many other enterprises in the district.
Later, an awareness cum interactive session of scientists, Officers and farmers was held in the Auditorium of Directorate of Extension, SKUAST-K.
Addressing the gathering on the occasion, the Deputy Commissioner underscored the significance of the people associated with agriculture and allied sectors who work in farm fields to produce different varieties of food products.
The DC said one of the objectives of organizing such programmes is to encourage young entrepreneurs associated with Agriculture and allied sectors by way of providing a better market linkage so that they become job creators rather than job seekers. He said focus in Mela is also to familiarize famers and educated entrepreneurs interested in Agri-business on exhibition of proven technologies to further improve agricultural productivity, profitability and sustainability for overall socio-economic upliftment of the target population.
The DC further said people should attend such Melas to exchange their innovative ideas in the field of Agriculture, Horticulture, Livestock production and other allied sectors with each to get acquainted with latest Agriculture based technologies to produce enhanced and quality production to increase income levels.
The DC also stressed on roping in local self-help groups registered under NRLM to provide a platform to young unemployed youth of the District. He also urged the farmers to adopt the latest farm technologies so that their crops production can be enhanced and thus they can raise their socio-economic status. He stressed on the farmers and to develop niche based FPO’s for better marketing and returns through different Government schemes launched for handholding for the young entrepreneurs.
VC SKUAST, Prof. Nazir Ahmad Ganai also spoke on the occasion and said that such programmes are fruitful to help farmers to upgrade their agricultural knowledge by imparting training and demonstrating latest farm technologies. He stressed on organic farming and added that by growing organic crops they can generate more income and employment.
Director Extension SKUAST Kashmir, Prof. Dil Mohammed Makdoomi in his address informed the farmers about various schemes of Government in Agriculture and allied sectors which shall help farmers to reap benefits.
Earlier, Senior Scientist & Head KVK, Srinagar Dr Sajad Mohidin welcomed the Guests, Farmers and other Officers.