Latest Opinion News
Indian Millets to make the world a healthier place
Dr. M ANGAMUTHU Keeping in sync with the G-20 theme of…
Oral Cancer: Symptoms, causes, diagnosis & management
Dr. GOUNSIA AMIN Cancer that happens inside the mouth is sometimes…
International Women’s Day: A Day To Honour
International Women's Day (IWD) is celebrated every year on March 8th to…
Happy Women, Happy Society
Dr. AJAZ AHMAD SUHAFF Our society is incomplete without women. In…
Gender Equality in J&K
International days are occasions and opportunities to educate people around the world…
The rising threat of forest fires: The status of India’s forests
One of the key elements, fire plays an integral role in society…
The World since Ukraine War
The year-long Russia-Ukraine massive war has been disastrous. It has caused the…
Stress of exams and wisdom of parents
PERSPECTIVE In the contemporary educational set up, exams turn to be…
Curb Desires Lest They Enslave
Predisposition of desires, longings and dreams in man, drives him to seek…
The lows of life: Are they really low?
It takes extreme caution and awareness to find the light in the…