Latest Features News
Mindful eating for the festive season
Its December, its end of the year and the festive season is…
A mission to boost apple production with technological intervention
A Kashmir based agritech Artificial Intelligence (AI) startup, Orchardly is a one…
Snowshoe running:An emerging sport in Kashmir
Bilquis Mir, a Kashmiri female water sports coach, recently participated in a…
The game changer in diet – Prebiotic & Probiotic
Diet has a major influence on health. It can make or break…
Famous Kashmiri Pandit dishes that everyone savors during winter season
The cuisines of Kashmir have always been one of my favorite cuisines…
Dermatologist’s tips for winter skin care
Every weather one must tailor skincare routine, in order to keep skin…
Medical termination of pregnancy – is it enough?
India, being one of the most populated countries of the world follows…
Medical termination of pregnancy – is it enough?
India, being one of the most populated countries of the world follows…
“PCOD & PCOS symptoms get worse in winters due to halt in physical activities”
Winters can be a tricky season. Not only does it affect physical…
Quenching the thirst of bike lovers in Kashmir
Hitting endless trails with high speed on your own built-up motorbike is…