Srinagar, Dec 24: Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology of Kashmir has provided effective leadership in the creation of an innovation ecosystem, globalization of agricultural education, and adoption of NEP-2020 with a concept of ‘Degree by Design’.
To live the dream of ‘J&K to Lead Viksit Bharat @2047’, School of Agricultural Economics & Business Management, SKUAST-K organised a knowledge sharing and brainstorming session on, ‘Technological Advancements and Reforms in Agricultural Marketing in India’ this week under the sponsorship of the World Bank-ICAR funded National Agricultural Higher Education Project (NAHEP) for the institutional development of SKUAST-K.
The main objective of the program was to share experiences of commodity-specific and region-specific initiatives taken towards strengthening of agricultural marketing, to meditate upon the imperatives for the global value chain integration inclusive of small and marginal farmers and to identify novel ideas with technological and digital provisions for strengthening of agricultural marketing and market intelligence. The program was intended to draw up a pragmatic road map for the development of agricultural marketing and the strengthening of market intelligence. Besides it will provide for a viable structure for the global value chain integration for the export promotion and brand value communication. Subject matter experts from premier R&D and Corporate institutions from different parts of the country participated in the event to meditate upon various issues confronting existing delivery systems to reform it toward futuristic agriculture.
Vice Chancellor, SKUAST-K, Prof Nazir Ahmad Ganai, informed how SKUAST-K has emerged from just understanding of startups in concepts to a leader and one of the premier research and educational institutes in India. He said that SKUAST-K is dedicated to working for and drawing a road map to make J&K towards leading Viksit Bharat @2047. He advised participants to focus on outcomes prior to planning for any kind of development activity. Expressing his satisfaction with the execution of HADP for the transformation of agriculture from subsistence to sustainable commercialization, he showed concerns about developing markets for the proper delivery of products while at the same time confirming global quality standards. He appreciated the School of Agricultural Economics & Horti-business Management for organizing this session for the development of the agricultural marketing system in India.
Prof Azmat A Khan, ADR/OSD, SKUAST-K deliberated about the various initiatives taken up by SKUAST-K towards J&K to lead Viksit Bharat @2047. He brought out various persistent issues confronting the existing marketing system and expressed his expectation of finding solutions to these problems. Dean, Faculty of Horticulture, Prof Shabir Ahmad Wani, share the evolution of the concept of market intelligence and provides free space for lessons from experts. Director, Research, Prof Haroon R Naik, shared with the various initiatives taken up under MSME Programs, HADP and emphasized upon the creation of innovation ecosystem in marketing and provision of delivery services. Deepak Moneria, Founder Member LEMON School of Entrepreneurship highlighted how market development and entrepreneurship have a close synergy. He shared how SKUAST-K opened up for LEMON during the COVID era when everything was at a halt. He expressed his interest in building collaboration with institutions beyond mountainous regions. During this session, an MOU between SKUAST-K and LEMON was also signed.
In its opening session, Head, SAE&HBM, Prof Sajad H Baba, shared that we have been identified by nature and if we look at the architect of our fingerprints alone then we can observe that we have been branded at birth. He highlighted our role towards societal development and emphasized upon capitalising upon inherent advantages in agriculture by way of communicating brand values. He brought out the need to integrate a global value chain and effective service delivery by making use of block chain and digital technologies. He emphasized upon provision of market intelligence beyond price and discussed marketing of brand utilities in light of advanced demand theories. While flagging up issues he brought out how business models can be development with a bilateral issues. In his brief deliberation he flagged up various issues relating to agricultural marketing for discussion. Dr Farhet A Shaheen, Assoc. Professor, SAE&HBM, in his presentation spoke about various initiatives taken by SKUAST-K under HADP for strengthening of marketing system in the J&K UT. He shared various verticals of the project to enhance efficiency in market ecosystem, improve terms of trade in favour of farmers and minimize losses.
Dr K Venkatesa, Dean & Professor, ABM, TNAU, Coimbatore shared few less on status of agricultural marketing in Tamil Nadu and discussed on common and persistent marketing issues across the country. One student one famer model on comprehensive & directed farm activities and direct sale from farmers was appreciable. Dr Shiv Kumar, Principal Scientist, ICAR-NIAP, New Delhi discussed about procurement policies to be brought in the system to stabilize prices and at the same time protect the interests of consumers. Dr. Amitava Akuli, Associate Director, C-DAC, Kolkata brought out how AI and ICT can be integrated in our existing marketing activities towards high efficiency. He presented the pioneering role of C-DAC, MEITY in the creation of sensor-based Quality Assaying Solutions for e-NAM, IoT based rapid monitoring system, and opened up for collaboration in creation of AI based branding, grading, pricing, etc for strengthening of agricultural marketing system of the country. Dr. S.K. Chauhan, Dean ACE, Eternal University, HP discussed about cooperative and few other marketing models for honey. Dr. K.M. Shivakumar, Professor TNAU shared experience of advancement in agricultural marketing in Coimbatore and brought out a need for a dedicated regulatory framework for marketing development across the country. Mr. Sandip Shinde, Head Partnership & Operations Digital Impact Square, TCS made a very composed presentation on Agri-Tech Innovation Model Horizons: Shaping a Human Centred Agri-Tech Innovation Ecosystem for Strengthening farmer-owned agriculture value chains. He shared his views about different economic activities where India has huge potential. Emphasis was laid on the value creation between intentions & innovations, private players may be encouraged to start up in building linkages. He opened up another area of channelizing corporate research and innovation ecosystem and create a skilling/nurturing ecosystem. He advocated financial traceability and an inclusive approach rather than duplicating already available technologies. During his presentation, he highlighted a need to encourage start-ups and entrepreneurs for synchronization of blockchain technology with market decisions, quality check for safe food, etc. Dr Subaisis Mandal, Principal Scientist & Head, DDE, NDRI, Karnal discussed about export orientation of livestock products and raised issues for prioritization in planning for improving global share from agricultural and niche-based products. Akshay Dixit, Co-founder & CEO, Vesatago Innovations, Maharashtra gave nice reflection of how technological support would help in revolutionizing the Agrarian Landscape for Small and Marginal Farmers.