Jammu, Jan 21: Director General of Police (DGP) Dilbag Singh has sanctioned Rs 1.16 crore as Special Welfare Relief in favour of six deceased police personnel and SPOs and Rs 38 lakh as ex-gratia relief in favour of NoK of a martyr police official.
This is in continuance with J&K Police’s endeavour to provide financial assistance to the families, NoK of the martyr, deceased police personnel and SPOs, a police spokesperson said in a statement.
He said the DGP sanctioned Rs 38 lakh as ex-gratia relief in favour of NoK of martyr constable Fayaz Ahmad who attained martyrdom in a terrorist attack at Bandipora. “The special welfare relief of Rs 22 lakh each has been sanctioned in favour of dependents/legal heirs of deceased police personnel ASI Ab. Rehman, ASI Ab. Rashid, SgCt. Manjeet Singh, R/Ct Muzamil Hussain, Follower Nadeem Hussain, who have passed away while in service due to natural death/different health-related issues,” he said.
Special relief of Rs 6 lakh has also been sanctioned in favour of NoK of deceased SPO Prithvi Devi who passed away due to illness during the course of her engagement with the department. “Out of this amount (special welfare relief), Rs one lakh each has already been already paid to the families/NoK of deceased personnel for performing the last rites as immediate relief by the PHQ through their concerned units/districts. The amount has been given out of the Contributory Police Welfare Fund.”
Police Headquarters is running many schemes for the welfare of its personnel and their families, the spokesperson said. “There are also schemes for the wards of police personnel and SPOs. Besides, there are schemes for the NoK of martyrs/deceased, their wards and also for the retired police personnel.”