Rising Kashmir

206 Articles

LG chairs high level meeting, reviews progress of mega road projects in J&K

Srinagar, Sept 07: Lieutenant Governor (LG) Manoj Sinha Wednesday chaired a high…

Rising Kashmir

Centre approves over 176 projects to transform Jmu, Sgr cities: Officials

Srinagar, Sept 07: Over 276 projects have been approved by the Centre…

Rising Kashmir

2000 MW electricity demand expected this winter: PDD

Aatif Qayoom Srinagar, Sept 07: Power Development Department (PDD) is fully prepared…

Rising Kashmir

Azad to begin Chenab Valley tour from today

Bivek Mathur Jammu, Sept 7: In order to create a fresh cadre…

Rising Kashmir

MBBS student from Anantnag dies in Bangladesh

Younus Rashid Anantnag, Sept 07: A girl student from south Kashmir’s Anantnag…

Rising Kashmir

Gurez man turns house into museum to preserve Dard-Shin culture

Shafat Malik Bandipora, Sept 06: A man in remote Gurez valley has…

Rising Kashmir

Enhances farmer income through maize cultivation in Kashmir

Syeda Rafiyah There are many farmers in Kashmir who are reaping success…

Rising Kashmir

Insha Bilal:A powerful athlete

Be it rugby pitch, basketball court, volleyball court, race track or powerlifting…

Rising Kashmir

Chasing the singing dream

Momin Beigh, a singer and cinematographer from Hawal area of Srinagar is…

Rising Kashmir

A gifted painter

Naveeda Hassan is a self-taught artist from Delina area of Baramulla who…

Rising Kashmir