Youth Mental Health Landscape: A discussion
Lack of essential life skills like emotional intelligence, frustration tolerance, decision making,…
Beyond bruises and economic hardships
There are so many forms of elder abuse besides physical, economic and…
Beyond bruises and economic hardships
There are so many forms of elder abuse besides physical, economic and…
Journey of Personal Growth: Demystified through 15 Invaluable Laws
BOOK REVIEW The 15 Invaluable Laws Of Growth: Live Them & Reach…
Literacy: Beyond 3Rs
Every nation aspires to enhance its literacy rate. However it is very…
Digital Depression: A New Mental Burden
Digital usage is inescapable part of our lives but our digital usage…
Watering the withered petals
I was walking in the garden and enjoying the fresh morning breeze…
Idiot Syndrome: A Digital Era Health Care Challenge
IDIOT (internet-derived information obstructing treatment) syndrome is one of the biggest challenges…
Cognitive errors: An overview
Psychology is the science of behaviour and it scientifically studies everyday observations…
World Mental Health Day: A step towards salutogenesis
Every year 10th October is celebrated as World Mental Health Day. This…