In order to address the ever growing issue of Cyber crimes and to spread awareness about cyber security measures, RPHQ Rajouri organised a seminar on the topic “Cyber Security- Future Challenges and Capacity Building”.
The session was inaugurated by DIG RP Range Dr. Haseeb Mughal, IPS who highlighted the role of Cyber Awareness in current scenario and urged the participants to understand the fundamentals of cyber technology in order to stay relevant in the present times. He stressed on the need of understanding the ever increasing ambit of cyber world and the Cyber crimes. Police officers need to upgrade their knowledge and practical skills to investigate such crime, he added. He briefed the gathering about the Digital evidences, how to Collect/Preserve, Analyze and utilize them for substantiating the offences during investigation of the Cases.
The programme was attended by about hundred plus participants including Police officers of the district, PSIs , IOs from various Police Stations and Police Posts and IT students from Degree College Rajouri.
During the Seminar, various speakers deliberated upon the topic. Speakers who spoke on the topics include Dr. Manmeet Singh, Assistant Professor from BGSBU Rajouri, Sh. Sahil Khajuria from J&K Bank Zonal Head office Muradpur, Rajouri and Sh. Parupkar Singh, JKPS, DySP DAR Rajouri. The sessions were very interactive and spellbinding.
Topics related to Cyber threats, online frauds, banking frauds, identity theft, social media awareness, investigation of Cyber crimes and uses of Cyber technology in investigation were discussed.
Later in the closing address, DIG RP Range thanked all the speakers for sharing the valuable information on the subject. He requested the college students to act as ambassadors to this agenda by helping in spreading awareness amongst their fellow mates and families, and help them in being less vulnerable and less suseptible to various Cyber Crimes. He also highlighted that J&K Police shall routinely conduct such conferences in future to keep its investigating officers in tune with growing Cyber Crime Challenges.