Pulwama, July 29: Renowned Shia Muslim scholar from South Kashmir’s Pulwama district, Maulana Sheikh Ghulam Rasool Noori remembered 10 Muharram as the day of triumph for Islam.
Addressing a huge gathering of mourners here in Gangoo village of Pulwama Noori recalled that it was on this day that truth prevailed over falsehood.
“10 Muharram is the day on which Imam Hussein bin Ali( AS) triumphed, we would have been celebrating the victory but we don’t rejoice instead we mourn on the day because this is what Prophet Muhammad (SAW) taught us,” Noori said, adding that the news of martyrdom of Imam Hussein (AS) was given to the last Prophet of Islam ( SAW) when Hussein (AS) was born.
He recited a Hadith ( saying of the last prophet of Islam ( SAW) recorded in Jamia at Trimidhi ( one among the seven authentic books of Hadith) narrated by Umm Salma( RA), wife of the Prophet Muhammad ( SAW).
In the light of the Hadith Noori explained that Imam Hussein was so dear to His grandfather Prophet Muhammad (SAW) that the last Prophet of Allah made many exceptions for Him.
He said that one exception was giving Imam access into a room where no other companions of the Prophet were allowed.
Noori continued that it is recorded in the Hadith of Umm Salama that Prophet Muhammad( SAW) was reminded through revelation that His grandson, Imam Hussein bin Ali ( AS), will be martyred in the ground of Karbala.
He explained that the Prophet of Islam embraced Hussein ( AS) and His ( SAW) beautiful eyes became moist with tears when He (SAW) was reminded about the great Martyrdom of Imam Hussain(AS).
The Shia scholar and reformer further explained that thereafter Prophet Muhammad handed a glass filled with a piece of soil to Umm Salama ( RA) to keep it in Her (RA) custody.
He narrated that Umm Salama (RA ) was informed ( RA) the soil will turn red the day Hussein will be martyred.
Noori said that in the light of this Hadith Muslims are duty bound to remember Imam Hussein ( AS).
“We shed tears on 10 Muharram because we see our Prophet(SAW) doing the same in the Hadith of Umm Salama,” Noori said, adding that they keep Husseini flags the same way Umm Salama kept the soil of Karbala.
Noori explained that Karbala conveys the message that as long as Muslims follow The Quran and Ahlul bayt, family of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) they will not go astray.
The Islamic scholar said that The Quran and Ahlul bayt are two invaluable things that Prophet Muhammad ( SAW) left behind for guidance of His followers ( Ummah) .
He said that the two are mutually interrelated and can’t be separated.
He explained that Ahlul bayat include Ali( AS), Hassan( AS), Hussein ( AS) and Fatimah ( AS)