The Low Reading Ability
The best doctor in the health profession first diagnoses the disease and…
Russia-Ukraine Conflict: Whose Pain, Whose Gain?
No end in sight to the ongoing deadly conflict involving Russia— armed…
School complexes: A kill or cure step
It is not the end of the world. We have much time…
Teaching: Gains and pains
Problems are part of life. Humanity across the world face issues in…
From a hospital waiting room — II
But most of the teachers are doing fine and their work is…
From a hospital waiting room – I
I wonder why we do not get the employees who respect education,…
At the door of nuclear war
Halfway into this November, the world population reached the 8 billion mark…
Are teachers our unsung heroes?
Can you believe that teachers are the most useful part of society?…
Banning private tuitions
Can any government employee work for his/her own welfare at the cost…
Eradicate Child labor
All of us seek to see our children doing well in their…